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mouse eye infection

21 15:24:31

Hi natasha,

I have a fancy mouse named River who seems to have had an eye infection for a few weeks now. it doesnt seem to bother her very much, she still goes about her regular activities and is very social with her "room mate", Penny. I have read your archived answers about making a paste out of tetracycline to have her swallow and put on her whiskers, but when i got to the pet store i realized that they have 250 mg capsules and 500 mg capsules. which is best? i dont want to give her too much and just make her worse.


Dear Flavia,

The capsules I use are 1/4 flat teaspoon.  Thus when I say one capsule for a 12 oz and 1/2 capsule for a 6 oz water bottle, I mean 1/4 tsp and 1/8 tsp.  Use an actual measuring teaspoon and make it flat with a knife so you don't overdose the mouse.

Best of luck and health to River.



PS thanks for researching before writing.  That helps me a lot.