Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Feeding/Urinary


21 15:14:24

I have recently been taking care of and orphaned mouse, and she eats pretty well I feed her every two hours as ive read and been told by several people and websites she does not currently have her eyes open yet. But I would like to no any suggestions on how to help her urinate? Ive used warm Q-tips trying to help stimulate her but I hasn't seen her pee yet. But she has been pooping on her own im just worried about her urinating, I'm open to anything that will help.          Thanks,

Hi Shannan,

They don't always need to pee very much - their bladders are pretty tiny! It may be that she is going, but the moist swab is disguising it. If she is eating well and pooping on her own she might also be urinating by herself, but I would keep trying just in case. It would become very obvious if she were not urinating at all, and she would not want to eat. You can also try keeping her on a paper towel instead of her usual bedding  in her enclosure for a few hours and seeing if she leaves any spots, and then going back to a warmer bedding once you find out.

She also may not need to pee every feeding, and that's okay, although it's good to definitely try each time. You can also try stimulating her to urinate with a cotton ball, wash cloth, or even a tissue.

Best of luck, and thank you for caring for the little sweetheart!