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panya help

21 15:39:44

QUESTION: panya plz help im crying right now plz read know my mouse micheal i know shes pregnant now because i woke up and i heard her squek. i looked a at her cage and i seen a shadow so i got up and there was a big brown mouse in it. i was trying to get micheal out ad coco what i called the boy wiled one was trying to get out. he bent the wires and got out.  so i ran and told my perants when i came back she was mad at me.......hhheeeeellllpppp

she is my only mouse and atleast i know why she is not lonerly

ANSWER: I'm sorry you had a visiting wild boy. To make sure this doesn't happen again you should get a humane mouse trap (looks like a mini cat trap) and release him at least 2 miles from your home. You may not be able to catch him (sounds like hes very fond of your girl) so you may need to change her cage (i.e a glass tank style rather than bars) and move it to a different location such as your bedrrom. This is important because you don't want her to become pregnant again after giving birth.

Your mouse wasn't mad at you, I promise! She was annoyed at her frequent visitor who comes in when he likes and has his way with her. Mice come into heat every 3 or 4 days so if she probably wasn't in the mood (hence a bit annoyed).

I hope you manage to catch him. Please feel free to ask any more questions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you but in the mean time how do i keep him out?
and today when i was watching tv with micheals cage in front of me for protection and i her foot steps and a squeek it wasnt comeing from the cage but the tv so i looked down under the  tv  and it was a brown mouse but it looked a little different then the one in her cage it was lighter iin colour. could there be more?
also whgen he was in there there she was right there beside him like they were sisters (evan though the wild one was a boy)  when he left and bent the wire she ran offff and when se finally came out she was looking for him. why?

thank you, jessie

p.s we never had any mice before in are home exept to wich my daddy caught without me knowing. i think they are eating the my mice feed because they are nibbled and chewwed on.  

I think your mouse is attracting some unwanted visitors! Place humane mouse traps in the areas where you have seen them. Use smelly foods such as strong cheese and meat to attract them.

You need to be super careful about leaving food around in your home as this will attract them more. Keep any food (especially the mouse food) in plastic or metal containers.

If there is an area of your home where there are very few nooks and crannies such as a small bathroom you could leave the cage in there for the meantime. You could also place the cage in a plastic box (a toy box is ideal). That way it will be a lot more difficult for the wild mice to get in. If they do, it will make it tricky for them to escape!

Please feel free to ask any more questions, good luck.