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Sick mouse

21 15:07:22

I went to check on one of my male mice, Simon today and I noticed he was really lethargic, he had very crusty eyes, sores on his neck, back and under his eye and small amounts of blood in his ear. I am worried about him, he just isn't himself. Usually I can't grab him without him squirming but he hardly cared. He just sat in my hands and spun around occasionally. He's not using his wheel or eating as much as usual but I did manage to get him to eat a goldfish cracker cause he loves them... He lives alone so I didn't have to separate him but nothing's changed for him recently that could have sparked it. Any idea what could be the problem and what I can do for him?

Hi Allie,

This sounds very serious.  Is there a vet in your area who is familiar with or can help you with pocket pets like mice?  It sounds to me like Simon is very sick.

The sores sound like they could be something called mites, but there is not a way for me to be sure from here and without seeing him, and there are actually several things that can cause sores, scabs, or itching.  Mites usually cause itchiness and scabbing around the ears, face, shoulders, and neck, but do not happen overnight.  Mites can come in on bedding, or even be present all the time but only flare up when his immune system is struggling with something else.  The fact that he is so lethargic means whatever is going on is very serious and making him feel very badly.

If you cannot find a vet, try calling around to your local animal rescues, rehabilitators, pet shops, and rodent breeders to see if anyone can point you in the right direction, as Simon really needs to see a professional for help and medicine as soon as possible.  That's your first step.  If you cannot find anyone to help, please send me pictures of him and his sores and I will get back to you as fast as I can with any help I can provide.

Best of luck and please keep me updated on little Simon,