Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Fancy Mouse: Flaking Skin?

Fancy Mouse: Flaking Skin?

21 15:33:09

My pet fancy mouse, Scout, seems to be having skin problems that started
about 1-2 weeks ago. It only started around her right eye, but now her entire
back is covered in dry, itchy, flakey skin. I go to boarding school and cannot
get her to a vet anytime soon. Is this something I can remedy myself, or may
she have a severe skin condition? I have all natural corn-cob bedding, which
shouldn't cause allergies. I also have a small wooden 'house' in the cage. She
normally has another mouse with her, Lolita, but I separated them in case
Scout might spread whatever she might have. Thank you! PLEASE answer this,
even if you aren't sure. I'm willing to try most anything to make her better.

Dear Chelsea,

Your mouse Scout very likely has mites.  If you take her to a vet you can be sure, since your vet can test a skin sample to find out the cause, and your vet might give you an easy way to treat the mouse.  However if a vet visit isn't in the cards, follow the instructions I gave this person, and you'll probably solve the problem:

If it doesn't help then Scout should see a vet to make sure she doesn't have a fungus or other more difficult problem.

Best of luck.

