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my mouse has scabs because...

21 15:38:25

QUESTION: I have 3 mice in the same cage, 2 boys and 1 girl. one of my males has some large scabs on his back side. They may be bites so for now i have separated him from the others to see if they heel. he also has lost hair around the scabs. if he dose not heel, i read in some ones letter that i should sprinkle athletes foot powder on him and his cage, but what if he licks it up, wont that make him sick? that and it also said to try massage oil of primrose, what happens if he licks it? and where would i get it if i need it?

ANSWER: The boys are fighting because they are competing for the female. Unless you want babies remove the female and place her in another cage with at least one other female mouse. Make sure the cage is big enough for 2 males so they don't have to fight over territory and include lots of hiding places.

Thank you for taking the time to read my previous answers as I often get similar questions. Oil of evening primrose is a supplement often found in liquid capsule form. It is taken by humans for skin problems (as well as other things). It is also safe and usually more effective if directly applied to the skin. Mice will love licking it off each other which will increase blood flow to the affected areas. The oil will also giving them super shiny coats. Just to give you an idea I use 'Now' evening primrose oil softgels, pierce the capsule and massage it in their skin. Fish oil does a similar thing but leaves your mice a bit smelly! You can usually find Oil of evening primrose in health food stores. Check to see if it OK to use directly on the skin as you don't want any concentrates.

Athletes foot powder should not be used in these circumstances as your problems are due to two mice fighting. Mice wouldn't lick it up as it smells and tastes really bad plus they are physically unable to be sick anyway.

Expect a litter about 21 days after you introduced the female to the males.

If you are still concerned take them to the vet. Please feel free to ask any more questions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The reason for asking is they don't seem to be fighting. They eat together, sleep together, clean each other. They have been together awhile. Have never noticed them fightin, or even a little disagreement. Just started gettin small bugs, think from all the rain, but not sure yet. Not fleas or gnats. Was wonderin if they could b the problem and if so, what to use in the cage to protect them, that is safe for them.
I have been keeping mice and havin babies for about 2 years now. Never had sore unless obvious fighting. I really don't think they are fighting. Curious about the lil bugs and what can be used safely????? Cage is kept clean and they have pleny of room, but they like to stay together, all 3 of them. Also, what are your thoughts on liquid vitamins, like vita sol and salt or mineral wheels.
Thank you for your time.

It's very unusual that the boys are not fighting, perhaps this is because they are brothers?

I don't know whereabouts in the world you live so I don't know what sort of bugs they are or whether or not they could be harmful. I live in the UK and I keep my mice indoors and have no problems with bugs other than the odd fly in summer. I strongly urge you not to use any chemical products to kill bugs around the cage, especially sprays as these can be very harmful to mice. Perhaps these 'bugs' are responsible for the skin problems? I would take them to the vet just to be sure.

I have used vita sol liquid vitamins for my ferrets but have never come across any for mice. Only use the product if it says it's suitable for small animals such as mice.

I have bought mineral wheels for mice in the past and none of them have been keen on them, but your mice could be different. They aren't absolutely necessary if you feed your mice a varied and healthy diet.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.