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Taming VERY TIMID mouse

21 15:11:06

Hi Natasha,

     So i am new to having a pet mouse and i don't exactly know what breed it is or anything like that i got it for my birthday but it is very timid. I actually think it is scared. I reach in to pick it up I make sure to keep hand flat below eye level of mouse and slowly move my hand towards it but i have only successfully got it in my hand once and i got on then jumped off very quickly.
I don't want it jumping off because my friend had a jumper and it jumped and hit the floor and died. I don't want Houdini(my mouse) to die. So if you could give me any tips on how to raise it.

         Thanks, Tanner

Dear Tanner,

I have written out a list of tiny baby steps to get a scared mouse to trust you and want to be held. This list is in this post:

You might not do them in exactly this way; think of it as a detailed blueprint from which to build.

Let me know how it goes. Good luck!

Squeaks n giggles,
