Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Can a mouse pee too much? UPDATE

Can a mouse pee too much? UPDATE

21 15:15:59


I recently got a mouse almost 2 months ago.  Her name is Lily.  I've had a few mice before but Lily is quite a bit different.  She LOVES her ball.  But when she's out in her ball I occasionally find very large (like the size of a couple quarters) piles of urine.  The puddles are usually pretty dark yellow. I have never seen a mouse pee that large of an amount.  I worry that she's sick or going to get hydrated.  I clean her change every week and she usually drinks a little over 1/4 of her bottle which is about the same that my other mice drank.  
I'm getting ready to pack her up to go to the babysitters for Christmas break and I just wanted to find out if you thought something might be wrong that I need to warn the babysitter about.  
Thank you for your help!

Stephanie & Lily

Dear Stephanie,

Although as you may have noticed I do answer a lot of health questions, my expertise (on this site) is in behavior, so I hope you don't grade my knowledge down for this... I have no experience with too plentiful mouse pee and really can't tell you about it. I'm actually supposed to reject questions out of my expertise, but that seems mean to me.

I myself would not worry in the short run, if break is only a week or two. It may be that she just holds her pee longer than the others, but when she is in the ball she pees. I would, however,  contact a vet at some point in the near future to ask.

In my profile there is the addy for an online small critter vet:

and she can probably set your mind at ease.

I am also throwing out the question to the mouse people I have on Facebook. If the right people see it, I may get a useful answer. If so, I will amend this answer and you will get a notification.

I apologize for my inexpertise. It's too bad we don't have a vet on here.

squeaks n giggles,


Oh-- update already-- I had already wondered about diabetes. A mouse friend suggests getting diabetic strips from a drugstore. Might as well. SO when you contact a vet, ask them about that, tell them the results, and ask what you do for a diabetic mouse. -update- my friend says the strips will definitely work for a mouse. Just wipe it in her pee.

The way to control diabetes is through diet. Here is the diet information a knowledgeable mouse friend gave me.

" A diet change works a lot of times. I had a diabetic mouse forever ago. I made his food for him. Keep things low GI. No corn, no fruit, no high GI vegetables like carrots or sweet potatoes, and watch the carbs. Pasta is low GI, as are some seeds. I mixed up dry rice, pasta, some bird seed (no sunflower or safflower, pretty much just millet and milo, but don't let seeds be a huge part of the diet), some oats and other grains, dried greens, puffed brown rice, and either mouse/rat/hamster block or low-fat dog kibble (the vegetarian kind is what I used). Keep the fat content down. If it's a fat mouse, it needs to lose weight. Keep it low in fat, calories, and sugar and it will probably help a lot. It helped my little guy back in the day. He was a feeder mouse, came up diabetic around a year old, and lived another year. Not bad."

Let me know what happens, whatever you decide to do.

