Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > pet fancy mouse has scabby ears

pet fancy mouse has scabby ears

21 15:08:19

Gus Gus
Gus Gus  

Gus Gus
Gus Gus  
Dear Natasha,

About 4-5 months ago I purchased 3 female fancy mice from my local Petsmart store.  I recently noticed that my mouse Gus Gus has scabby chewed up looking ears and am worried that the other two are chewing on her ears. I read your post about how this can possibly be ear mites, but the other two show no signs of this on their ears.  Should I separate Gus Gus from the other two or does this look like an hear mite or vet problem to you? I consider these mice my "babies" and am very worried so any advice you can give on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

Dear Daryl,

Take them to the vet and have them treated with Revolution. This is a classic case of sarcoptic mange mites.

Then clean everything thoroughly -- wash in hot water what you can wash, and throw away the rest or freeze it for 48 hours.

Best of luck.

