Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Keeping or releasing hand raised mouse pups

Keeping or releasing hand raised mouse pups

21 15:08:31

My husband brought home three infant roughly three day old field mice whose mother was killed where he worked.   I have raised them to four weeks old but never wanted to take on the responsibility of taking care of them the rest of their lives.   Now I read that they cannot be released because they cannot fend for themselves.  What can I do?    If someone does keep them as pets will they be happy since they are wild field mice?

Dear Susan,

No they will not survive in the wild, and yes they will make wonderful pets and be very happy. You will need to rehome them. However, they are very bonded to you. It is a pity you don't want them.

Separate boys from girls this week. Fancy mice can mate at six weeks, so let's be careful and say these guys might even be able to mate at five weeks, since I do not know.

Good luck to the little pups :)

