Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > baby deer mouse rescued...set free where?

baby deer mouse rescued...set free where?

21 15:19:45

I rescued a baby deer mouse from one of those nasty adhesive
traps at work. She (guessing) has recovered nicely after a
bath of grapeseed oil which she also drank!It is day 3 now.
My question is how do I evaluate her health? Should I
release her now or wait until after winter. And if now where
should I release her. Do I put her in the forest or near
where I took her or should I keep her up for the 2 measly
years she has in life. Thanks soooo much Jackie and Aurora

Dear Jackie,

I don't know how old she is. If she is a wee thing, you might be able to handle her, in which case you can see if she would like to be your pet.  The way I measure if a mouse is happy in captivity is whether or not it makes valiant attempts to escape the cage. If she's old enough not to be very tamable, though, she'd rather be let go. Unless you are in Alaska I'm sure it's not very cold out, so you can feel free to let her go. If you let her go where she was caught, won't she be caught in the next trap? Better to find a mouse-friendly forest or meadow.

Thanks for caring!

squeaks n giggles,
