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Field Mouse Pups

21 15:11:49

I have recently rescued 3 newborn field mouse pups. I've been feeding them kitten formula, and they seem to enjoy it. Is it normal for them to produce runny, mustard-color bowel movements? I'm worried!


Hi Morgan,

For the first couple of days, loose stools are a normal result of switching from momma's milk to formula, and it should go away soon. If it continues past that, or if they start to become thin, you might consider adding something like lactated ringers solution or pedialyte to keep them hydrated (check out this site for details on how best to use it: .  It's important to weigh them before each feeding, too, using something like a kitchen scale with something warm like a towel on top (never place pups on cold metal - they chill so fast!), so you can track their weight gain over time. After the first couple of days their bowel movements should normalize and they should begin steadily putting on weight in grams.

Let me know if you have any further questions, and thanks for taking such great care of those little guys! I'm glad they love the kitten milk! :)
