Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > my pet mouse has a swollen anus

my pet mouse has a swollen anus

21 15:15:41

Hello, my pet mouse has a swollen anus, I've looked at the other questions and answers and it seems that their is no real answer as to what it is, Its unbelievable how large it is and how red and sore it looks, once in awhile it discharges what I think is blood but could be a plasma type thing. She's not the first, I breed fancy mice and I've noticed its killing the infected ones off. I don't know how this is affecting everyone else, so I quarantine them until they either pass, or get better, which has yet to happen. I know its not diarrhea I see that occasionally and treat it with diluted arrow root in water and it does the trick. what could this possibly be? I will send photos should you need them.

Hi other Natasha (or were you writing in my name?),

I absolutely can't help you. I have no medical training. I am supposed to reject questions out of my expertise out of hand, but I feel mean doing that. Please don't downrate me. This isn't my area of expertise.

Please get these mice to a vet. Once you have figured out the problem, you will be able to treat any future mice the same way; but you have to find out what it is first.

If you want to send me photos to (use "mouse question" in the title) I can ask a few people I know on Facebook, but I may not get any answers; and even if I do, my guess is you will need something from the vet anyway. If you send them and I do get an answer I will update this post and you will get an email telling you that.

It is really, really best that you get the afflicted mice to the vet. Bring the others that have been living together in case they all need to be treated with something.

