Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > introducing a baby male?

introducing a baby male?

21 15:24:44

okay, i own a few mice along with a litter. i have the males and females seperated. my friend also has some mice and a litter, and there is a cute little brown male i would like to get from her. would i be able to introduce a 3-4 week male mouse to an adult male mouse in the cage that the adult is in now?
or would the adult beat up on it?

Any advice you can give me would be geatly appreciated. Thank-you and i do hope that it was clear enough.

Dear Naya,

Male mice usually don't get along as adults.  The exceptions are usually littermates or father-son pairs who have never been separated.  I don't recommend putting the males together for the long term.  Sadly, males must usually live alone.  And mice who live alone need lots and lots of love (an hour a day minimum).  The cages should be as close as possible because they do communicate in high-pitches squeaks.

Best of luck and have fun with your little mice!

squeaks n giggles,
