Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Bella the Mouses Behavior

Bella the Mouses Behavior

21 15:24:44

I have 10 mice. I have had these mice for months. Three days ago, I purchased 2 new mice, one of which I named Bella. As of last night and this morning, Bella has been "bouncing" around her cage, jumping almost uncontrollably, and vigorously digging. I have never had this with any of my other mice, so I have no idea what is going on with her. The pet store where I bought her is not sure how old she is, so neither do I. Can you give me some suggestions about this unusual behavior. She is pretty tame, even though she was raised as a feeder mouse, not a pet. But I am keeping her as a pet. Thank you!

Dear Sharon,

Some mice just have excess energy.  If you can, give her a larger cage.  My last hopper was only happy when she got a 4-story, 3' x 3' x 3' cage!  That's probably impossible, but as big as you can! Also, take her out often and find her a safe place (not the floor) to run around and explore.

Have fun with all your mice!

squeaks n giggles,
