Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > pregnant or not?

pregnant or not?

21 15:21:30


my mouse
Hi, I have recently got 2 mix as feeder mice for pets and one of them I think might be pregnant(at least 2.5 weeks because that's how long Ive had them) but I'm not sure. Can you tell by looking at her? Thank you.

Hi Will,

No, she doesn't look pregnant to me.  Since the gestation period for mice is about 19-21 days, she should look just about to pop if she got pregnant the day before you brought her home.  If you think she might be anyways, though, you can make sure she has nesting material for just in case and some extra food in the cage.  If 21 or more days go by, though, I'd say it's just her body type.

Here are some pictures of a couple of my mice when they were over 2 weeks pregnant, to kind of give you an idea.  The first is Penelope, and she was about 14 or 15 days pregnant at the time:

The second is Minerva, and she was about 18 or 19 days pregnant in this photo:

I'm afraid I don't have any pictures of a pregnant mouse from directly above, but you get the idea that she will appear very round at the waist, especially when stretching forward like yours.
