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Male Mice and breeding

21 15:17:54

Hi Natasha,

I have 11 mice at the moment. 5 males and 6 females. They are ages ranging from 1 year 2 months and 1 year and 1 month as they are all babies from two of the female mice. The father has already passed away.

What I want to ask is whether the males stop being able to reproduce at a certain age and if it would be possible to maybe pair them each up with a female.

They are all getting old and I want them to enjoy the last few months they have left.

Also at the moment all the females are inside the house in one cage and 1 male in a separate cage. The other 4 males are outside in a Wendy house (It's like a big wooden tool shed). It is Winter now here in South Africa and I'm wondering whether the cold will affect them. They do have plenty cotton wool nesting and have been covered with towels to keep them warm.

Thanks, regards,


Dear Megan,

Unfortunately, some male mice can breed till their very last breath. Nature didn't have any use for them after they couldn't make more mice!

I don't know how cold it gets in South Africa. I would take them into the house if it goes below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). Other options are a heating pad under part of the cage, or a light bulb near a place where they can have it dark anyway (a hidey or cloth pile near the bulb). I'm not sure how big an enclosure you have them in, but there must be a warm enough place to eat and run around a bit as well.

An option with mice who have to have their own cages is to put wire cages right next to each other so they can sniff and talk (or a cage with a screen barrier inside). Always put separate cages as close as possible because they will communicate if they can (of course it is too high-pitched for you to hear). I have had mice in one cage get depressed and lose weight when a mouse in a cage two feet away died, so I know they appreciate having neighbors.

Best of luck with the little fellows!

squeaks n giggles,
