Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Should I leave Isis the mouse with the other 8, or should I separate?

Should I leave Isis the mouse with the other 8, or should I separate?

21 15:21:05


Meecies! :D

I have 16 mice; 11 females, and 5 males (males are separated). 9 of the females live together, and there's another 2 group of a mommy and a grown baby. :)

In (now) The First 9 group, we started our way from 2 to 10 staying together over a few months proudly last year. The group isn't a group but a community. If one isn't feeling its best, they nurse that mouse back to health. They go on the wheel together, sleep together, eat together, play together, everything. In January last year we got a little mouse, a cute little female mouse for the first 4 we had. (And still have)

We named her Isis and after a few days put her in with the original 4. It went pretty well, so we kept them together. Unfortunately, I think I now realize a mistake I made - we should have gotten another mouse with Isis. Why: she gets bullied to this day in March. She gets into fights, small fights, but it isn't too often. Another mouse also gets picked on, who I believe to be Brownie. They aren't to the *maximum* enjoying their life in that big cage. So I put the 2 together in a different cage for 10 minutes. In a matter of seconds they were sleeping together.

I think I made a partial final decision to keep those 2 together, forever. I love my mice to death, and if I had the choice of giving one away or living in a closet for a year, I would pick the closet. I want them to be happy, however, I have no clue at all if I'm doing the right thing. All animals and creatures of this earth have thoughts and feelings. So do you think I'm doing the right thing? The slightly bigger mouse Brownie gets bullied; Isis gets bullied; they actually DO like living together... I'm not sure. I needed another serious opinion, so what do you think? :)

Thank you so much,

Lydia, owner of 16 "Meecies" :)

Hi Lydia,

It does look like a perfect solution, so if everyone is happy, it sounds good to me!  Definitely still keep an eye on them, just in case someone discovers they don't like the new situation as much as they thought they did.  :)
