Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Flaking tail skin

Flaking tail skin

21 15:19:51

Hiya ^-^

I have noticed one of my mice (Nia) has been sort of
nibbling her tail a bit. At first I thought this was normal
and she was simply cleaning it. But just now I picked her up
and saw the skin was flaking off. I'm quite worried but it
doesn't seem too urgent... My other mouse (Sky) Is fine and
I haven't seen her nibbling her tail ever?

Please help me :O Thanks in advance!

Hi Bex,

I don't have experience with that myself, and I'm not a vet.  I put out the question to my mouse circle.

There is a condition called ringtail, which is caused by low humidity. Depending on where you live, this isn't usually a problem in the summer months, but some places, such as Wyoming, can be quite dry even in summer. If you live in a dry area, try a humidifier near the mouse cage.  Ringtail causes a constriction of the tail and consequent sloughing off, or flaking, of the dead skin.  Sometimes the mouse will nibble part of the tail off. The good news is there is no other damage besides to the tail, and the problem clears up with the humidity. Stubby tails heal fine, and don't bother the mouse.

If the condition is less serious and is simply dry skin, olive oil rubbed directly on the tail can help, and it's OK for the mouse to eat it.

Other possibilities are allergies (has the mouse come into contact with anything new recently?) or mites (is she scratching at all?). There are also skin conditions such as ringworm or mange which need to be diagnosed and treated by a vet.

My advice is to put a little olive oil on it and see if it is better in about two days. If not, take her to a mouse-experienced vet. Find one who specializes in "pocket pets" or "exotics."  If you find more than one, ask how many mice they have treated in the past month.

Best of luck and health to the mouse.

