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Mouse Sick From Bedding?

21 15:17:45

Hi, I am really worried about one of my four mice, Koda, who was in the cage with pine shaving bedding. Then looking that pine is bad for mice, and switched it. I switched because my mouse was sick. He has dark eyes -almost black- which were red. He is also breathing heavy and has little energy. I am hoping he gets better, but I want to know if he has a good chance of surviving or if there is anything I can do.

Dear Lyndsay,

Koda should go to the vet. The pine exacerbates a respiratory problem which is present in all mice, called myco. Once it flares up the mouse needs antibiotics.

Can you get him to the vet? He sounds pretty sick. I know a home remedy for a mild case but I think he really needs a vet's stronger medication.

I hope he gets well.

<:3  )--~