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Hair lose and blakc spot

21 15:39:51

MY fancy mouse is starting to lose hair near her neck i think the hair loss may be spreading down her back but if it is it is slowly, i also noticed a black spot were she started losing hair it looks a little like a bruise. Any ideas?

I have not experienced this exact problem. However, you may find it useful to know about similar problems. I would take her to the vet. Perhaps the hair cells are dying?

If color-point mice lose hair on their lighter colored body, it will grow back a much darker color, usually that of the tail, ears, nose and feet. This is because the darker hair appears on the cooler areas of the body. If you have a Siamese the skin darkens and grows back blacker in the effected areas.

She may have mange although this is accompanied by lots of flaky skin. Also, the other mice you kept with her would have the same problem.

Hair loss can be a sign of stress. It could also be an allergy. Have you changed anything in her environment - from her food to cleaning product you use on the cage?

I hope the she recovers soon. I would appreciate it if you let me know what the problem is once you have a diagnosis so I can help those with the same problem in the future. Please feel free to ask any more questions.