Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouse eye bulging

Mouse eye bulging

21 15:32:12

My two year old mouse's eye looks as if it is popping out of its socket. His eye is big and bulging. What can I do to help him?


The mouse should go to the vet right away to be examined and treated.  Among the possibilities I know of are it may be the mouse has an abscess beneath the eye which, when lanced and treated with antibiotic, can be eliminated.  Time is important here because as the eye is more extruded, it will itself be subject to separate injury. I had a mouse who completely and painfully lost an eye because of this exact problem.  It wasn't necessary; if I had known she had an abscess she could have been treated.  I had assumed it was a tumor, which is also a possibility.  A vet would know about other possible eye infections or conditions which could cause this.

Please get him to the vet as soon as you can.  I hope he is better soon.

