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Mouse has swollen eye

21 15:20:51

Hi i have 5 mice, one boy and the rest are girls, one of the girls (her name is sutty) seems like she might have bruised her left eye, it looks swollen and is a musky pink color, i am very worried about her because she is a very old girl now, i don't know what i should do! should i separate her from the other girls? and does she need to see a vet? is it infected or just bruised? i'm a little bit panicky so i would be very grateful if you could replie soon   thank you
                  Rachel xxx

Dear Rachel,

If you can take Sutty to a vet, that's the best thing to do.  She has an infection, and it could be or become an abscess, in which case it will swell up more and she could lose the eye.  Infection can even kill her, especially if she is already frail. The vet will probably give her an antibiotic and something to put on the eye to reduce irritation.  

Call around for a vet who specializes in "pocket pets" or "exotics."  If you have a choice, ask them how many mice they have treated in the last month.  Experience with mice is important.  

Don't separate the mice, or she will be depressed as well as sick, and that will make her sicker. Mice can't catch an infection due to a wound or abscess.

I wish her the very best of luck and health.

