Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > where are the archives/ when are the babies due?

where are the archives/ when are the babies due?

21 15:38:50

QUESTION: Hi there,
me and a friend have recently bought 2 mice, male and female, and as a
school project we are breeding them (only one litter, then we are separating
the male). We have had them together for 3 weeks now and the female is only
just starting to get larger around her waist. Has she been pregnant for long?
What can we do to know whether she is or not? And if she is pregnant, should
we change her diet? Please reply to this ASAP, it would really help us :)

Thank you!!!

ANSWER: Dear Kahla,

A mouse is pregnant for three weeks.  If she is getting large now, she'll likely give birth within ten days.  Her diet doesn't need to change as long as it was good in the first place.  Please don't ever give mice the yogurt drops or other concoctions they sell at pet stores, or any other sugar; oil and salt should be limited (i.e., no popcorn and movies every night!).

I have written long answers about pregnancy and mouse-rearing which you can access by looking through my archives.  You should do so!  : ))  Any questions are welcome.

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi natasha me again,
we were wondering how mice mate? What is the proccess?
And should we seperate the male now that she is proberly pregnant?
we need as much information as possible about mice mating and the reproduction :)


ANSWER: Dear Kahla,

When mice mate, first they generally sniff each other, then the boy mouse chases the girl around the cage and she squeaks a lot.  Every so often he grabs her, and when he has ahold of her he bites her ear so she won't get away.  He mounts her by climbing on top of her.  He puts his arms around her waist, squeezing her hard.  When he mates the base of their tails are close together and he enters her.  I wouldn't want to be a girl mouse!

It takes three weeks for the babies to develop.  As soon as she has given birth, the male wants more sex ; ) .  Thus if you want to avoid new babies 3 weeks later, take the male out before the female gives birth.  

The babies are born hairless and about the size of a baked bean.  The average litter is between 8 and 12 babies, though I have had a litter of one and of 18 (only 14 survived). They are dark pink. She nurses them every half hour.  When they are a week old they will have their fur.  At two weeks they will open their eyes and possibly start jumping around like popcorn.  At 3 they should be about weaned (this is when the next litter is born if the male was present at the time of the birth of the last litter) and at 4 1/2 they are ready to mate!

I have written a lot about taking care of pregnant mice and raising babies.  Do a little research in my archives so I don't have to repeat it all!  Other questions are always welcome.

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey natasha,

thankyou so much for that useful info.......
I can't find ur archives though, how do u get to it?

i have calculated that we have had the mice together for 20 days now, how much longer till she gives birth do u think?

thankyou for your help :)

Dear Kahla,

Go to the mouse experts page, and by my name, on the right, click on "View past answers."

The babies will be born 21 days after the two mated, but they may have taken a few days to get used to each other before they mated.  Surely she will give birth this week (she does look like a fat little pear, doesn't she?).

You're very welcome!!

squeaks n giggles,
