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Broken legs and bleeding.

21 15:11:36

Hi Tamarah,
I have two mice and have had them for about 8 months now. Recently I found a few patches of blood around the cage and since they are both girls, I just assumed that they may have been having their periods and didn't really worry much further. A few days after however, I realized that she had broken two of her legs from falling off the third level of her cage, could this be because she's very weak? Usually she climbs around fine and hardly falls. Then this morning when I went to check on them I found a lot of blood stained on the news paper shredding. She doesn't seem to be moving and is just sitting there making noises and looks like she's in a lot of pain. I can't seem to find any wounds though. I'm really worried, would you know what might be happening?
Thanks Tamarah,awaiting your reply.

Hi Stacy,

Mice do not bleed during their cycles, so any blood is cause for alarm. It sounds like she is in pretty bad shape, unfortunately. She may have internal injuries from the fall, but just the difficulty moving and broken legs is serious enough to warrant an emergency visit to the nearest veterinarian who works with pocket pets. If she is in a lot of pain, and it definitely sounds like she is, the best thing to do would be to take her in right away! Unfortunately, there is really nothing to do for her condition at home.

I am so sorry for the little sweetheart, but hopefully your vet can give her some help, at least from the pain.  I have had a mouse recover from a broken leg before, but this really sounds like something much more severe is going on that I cannot evaluate without being there. I am sorry to alarm you - but there is just nothing else I can tell you to help from here. :(

Best of luck to you and your sweet pet, and please let me know if there are any other ways I can help out.
