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Mouse with food allergies?

21 15:19:07

I have a mouse that it about 1.5yrs old. Approx 6-9 mos ago, she began scratching along the sides of her ears (her face) to the point that it bleeds. The other mouse in her cage is fine and shows no signs of skin irritation. I've had her to the Vet twice. No mites, but did try Ivermectic twice which did help the first time (by chance maybe?) She still eats, runs around, greets me etc and seems happy, but I feel so bad for her little ears! (now down her neck a bit) I suspect (as does my Vet) a food allergy. I know the most common allergies are to peanuts, sunflower seeds, corn and wheat. Do you have a recipe for food for mice with allergies? I want to be sure she still gets proper nutrition, I love my girl! Thanks so much!

Dear Jessica,
thank you for your question.
You can leave out all the ingredients you mentioned without problems, just make sure that the food contains a variety of other grains and seeds to make up for it (actually, wheat is the only really important part, everything else is just treats).
Some mice develop a serious allergy to mites and it doesn't stop even when the mites are gone, they just keep scratching. You may be able to get some some relief with giving the mouse something against the itch (ask your vet for it) so that the wounds have a chance to heal. I had some luck with Cortavance, it's for dogs and meant to prevent infection and still the itching. Fenistil (without alcohol) is also often prescribed for scratch mice - I don't know if you can get either of those medications, but there should at least be something similar.
It's possible that the mouse will never stop scratching, though. It's one the worst things that can happen to a mouse and it's heartbreaking to watch, but sometimes there is just no way to stop it.
I hope I was of some help to you and I hope that you find out what's causing the scratching!