Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > tetracycline?


21 15:14:11

QUESTION: Hi Natasha, I have a few mice as pets, and I wanted to ask you a Tetrcln question.  One of the mice had an UR infection a while ago, and echinacea seemed to get rid of it for her.  Now another girls has it, but the echinacea did not do the trick for her.  I went to the pet store and bought Tetracycline for birds (It had a fruit flavor and came in packets). I tried making the paste, but she fought it pretty bad and it all ended up on the floor.  What I have found successful has been adding a little more water and using the dropper to get in in her mouth.  I don't know exactly how much she is getting however, I have been trying to mix apprx a capsl full of pwder with a couple drops of water and then giving her abt two drops in her mouth.  Am I doing more harm that good? I cannot take her to a vet and I am trying my best.  Also thought abt trying to put some kefir in their food for probiotics?

Thanks for your advice, I know your not a vet.

ANSWER: Dear Donna,

I can only give advice for the methods I have learned from other mouse people and used successfully. When I give tetracycline made for fish I only give a direct dose once and then put it in the water. I think a direct dose more than once could lead to an overdose. Also, I have no idea if there are ingredients in the bird formula that are unsafe for mice.

These are the instructions i give for fish tetracycline (just cutting and pasting):

"Your mice definitely have a respiratory infection. It is probably a bacterial infection that mice carry all the time called myco.

"The over-the-counter antibiotic that I use for myco is Tetracycline, which is available in the FISH section of your pet store or aquarium store.  It either comes in powder, tablet, or capsule form.  If it is a tablet, you will need to crush it into fine powder, which you can do with the back of one spoon against the front of another.  If it is a capsule you will empty the powder out of the capsule.  One capsule is the same as 1/4 flat teaspoon.

"Take one capsule and mix it with a drop or two of water until you have a mustardy paste. Grab the mouse by the scruff (back) of the neck to open its mouth, and try to get a bit of the paste in the mouth. The mouse will struggle a lot and this may be impossible. In any case, smear some on the whiskers and sides, where it can easily wash it off and ingest it.

"Put another capsule's worth in a large water bottle (10-12 oz), or half that in a small water bottle (4-6 oz), and that should be the only source of water for about 10 days. Shake it up well. Change it every other day. Cover the bottle with tin foil so no light can get in. Tetracycline reacts with light.

This is all I can recommend.

As for probiotics, I have heard that it is a good idea, but have never tried it.  



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Natasha, I understand.  The Trecycln I purchased for birds said it was the same exact thing as the one for fish so I chose the bird one for the fruit flavor.  Has your experience with putting the meds in water been good.  I tried putting the meds in their water and I did not hear them drinking it at all.  I had read somewhere that mice and rats wont drink water with stuff in it so I was concerned abt dehydration to top it all off. They did drink their water when I ocsnly put echinacea in it?  Thanks again.


Dear Donna,

The thing about different formulations of a medication being "the same thing" is that that means that the *active ingredient* is the same. The fillers-- the inactive ingredients; as well as the flavoring, are different. Thus there can be something in a bird formula of exactly the same stuff, that is bad for mice. For example, I was taking a prescription medication once. When it came out in generic, my insurance made me get a generic brand. Well, the generic I got, unlike the original stuff, had a really bad side effect-- my mouth was so dry I could barely open it. But it was the "same exact stuff." The pharmacist got me another brand, a different generic one, and it was fine. The fillers can make all the difference.

If they don't want to drink the water, it must not taste good to them. My mice have never had a problem with the fish stuff in the water. You're right, if it is making them drink less, they will be dehydrated and that can get them very sick. I suggest trying the fish formula if you can.

