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respiratory infection in mouse- Human antibiotic?

21 15:15:36

One of my son's mice apparently has a respiratory infection. I have one 500mg clarithromycin tablet. I read another response that advised making a paste with a bit of powdered antibiotic and water and putting it into the mouse's mouth. Is there any information you can give? I know that clarithromycin was tested on mice so I assume it is safe and it is used for respiratory infections. Do you have any opinions about using it in this way? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you,

Dear Deborah,

I can't tell you how to use a human clarithromycin tablet. Although certainly the drug is safe for mice, we have absolutely no idea how much to give. You don't want to kill the mouse.

The best solution is to bring the mouse to the vet. The vet has access to far better antibiotics than you can easily get over the counter, and can dose them accurately. A respiratory infection does not have to be serious for a mouse if it gets to the vet on time.

If you simply can't get to a vet, I do give advice for how to use Tetracycline formulated for fish. I am on my phone because I wanted to answer this before I am traveling tomorrow, so I can't give you a link. But search on this site for "natasha mice mouse respiratory tetracycline" and take the most recent answer.

Still, it is better to get to a vet. Mice usually have a combination of two diseases when they show symptoms, and the Tet only addresses one. A vet will likely give the mouse two.

Best of luck to the little mouse.

