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obese white mice

21 15:37:39

hello, i just want to  know the weight of an obese white mice? how to determine if the white mice are obese or not? thank you.

Dear Tashlea,

In my own experience an adult female mouse weighs somewhere near 40-45 grams.  However, the only important thing for mice is that their diet is good and they have a good wheel.  Mice should never have sugar, and fats should be reduced.  This means not too many nuts, or extra sunflower seeds, because those are very fatty.  Don't worry about giving too  much commercial mouse food, either; mice regulate themselves.  If a mouse becomes very fat it is generally genetic and there's not much you can do about it-- nor is it important.  As long as they are healthy, naturally fat mice don't have health problems associated with weight gain the way people do.  

squeaks n giggles,
