Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Possible Tumor?

Possible Tumor?

21 15:31:52

Hi there. I have a white female mouse (Penny Lane) who I love more than anything. I got her the summer of 2007 and it will be 2 years of having her in a few weeks. Anyway, I went away for about a week and a a half three weeks ago and my older brother watched her. He played with her and did everything I do. When I got back she was fine. Tonight when I played with her, I noticed her walking funny and realized she has a growth on her left side right behind her front leg. I've tried looking it up online and can't find anything to explain it. I'm worried it's a tumor and don't have the finance to take her to the vet to have her looked at and pay an outrageous bill. I'm really worried it might be a tumor and have no idea what I can do to help her. Please let me know what you think it might be and if there's anything I can do.

Dear Molls,

Penny Lane may have as tumor but it may be an abscess, which is treatable.  The following post addresses exactly your issue:

2 years old is very good for a mouse.  

Best of luck and health to Penny Lane.

