Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Hantavirus


21 15:20:58

I have recently captured a little brown and white field mouse.  I was reading some information about field mice and the diseases they might carry.  I am very concerned about the hantavirus.  I do have a cat and a child in my home.  How do I know if the mouse may have it?  Do I need to take it to a vet to have it tested?  After reading all the info I am becoming very concerned for the safety of my cat and family!

Thank you,


Dear Julie,

Although I can't make any absolute guarantees, hantavirus is really quite rare.  There are about 15-20 cases a year in the United States, only in a few states, and those are generally people who work cleaning out old barns or houses, because the main method of transmission is breathing in the dried urine and droppings.  I did read once that it is possible to get it through a bite but I never saw that information repeated.   Interestingly enough, children seem to almost be immune to it.

Hantavirus manifests itself as a very bad flu often with shortness of breath.  It takes 2-4 weeks to incubate.  If you were to come down with it, you would just need to tell your doctor that you had been in contact with a wild mouse. I'm sure there's no test developed to detect the virus.  I'm also sure cats can't get it.

Enjoy your new little pet : )).  Remember, mice always need a wheel.

squeaks n giggles,
