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Female and Male Mouse

21 15:18:36


I have recently purchased a male and female mouse, as I wish to breed mice. However when the male goes near her sometimes she squeaks and tries to get away from him. However most of the time there fine together. What's happening? What should I do?


Hi Elly,

Mating is pretty much never pleasant for the doe (the female).  She's squeaking because she does not appreciate his advances.  Since this can be stressful for her, it's a good idea to keep them together the minimum amount of time you need to breed her, and usually not more than two weeks.  This gives you a better guess at when successful mating occurred and gives mom a break before the babies arrive, so she is less stressed and can take better care of them.

Breeding is a very serious and time-consuming endeavor, so I thought I'd include some helpful links to get you started off on the right foot (sorry if you already know about some of these!):

Best of luck, and let me know if you ever have anymore questions!  Welcome to the world of mouse breeding!