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mouse making strange sounds

21 15:19:00

My daughter has had two mice since August.  One has always been a "sneezer".  We tried various litter options-Care Fresh, shredded newspaper, towels, etc.  She still sneezes, but acts healthy otherwise.  Today, she is sneezing more and vocalizing during the sneeze and when she breathes.  She can't seem to get comfortable when snuggling with the other mice.  It appears that there is some matter in one eye.  It is making me nervous because she is obviously in distress, so is my daughter!  What do you think?

Dear Lori,

It sounds like your mouse may have been struggling with a respiratory infection which is getting worse. If she gets on antibiotics for that, it may clear up the eye as well. Your best bet is to take the mouse to a good vet quite soon. Mice can be quite fragile and go downhill fast, because they are designed not to show illness until they are pretty sick.  Find a vet who specializes in "pocket pets" or "exotics."  

I hope she gets better quickly with medical attention.

