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My Mouse is sick?

21 15:39:38

Hello, i have only had my male mouse, Panda, for 3 days so far. I noticed he has been making a clicking noise that sounds like he is eating or nibbling something but he is not. I suspect he may be sneezing but i am not sure. It happens whenever i hold him, every minute or so but only sometimes. I use pine shavings for him bedding so is he allergic? Sorry for taking up you're time, but i also got him from a friend. Panda was living with another mouse (a male as well) that chewed half his tail and ears off. could that get infected? if so, what should i do? Also, i just bought a new cage for him that has 2 levels. His food and water are on the top so can he smell it's there? And i don't think he knows how to drink from water bottles... how can i tell? And, the mice food you buy at Petsmart, is that proper nutrition? Thanks for you're time please please PLEASE respond ASAP!!!

Please don't worry about taking up my time, I'm here to help! (Panda is a great name by the way).

The 'clicking' noise is a good sign as it means he very happy when you play with him. It can also be described as a 'chattering' sound.

The pine shavings should be fine for him, as long as they don't have any  tiny particles like dust as these can effect his breathing.

Males often fight when they are introduced incorrectly or are in too small an environment. It is a big misconception males cannot live together in harmony. The easiest way is to raise them as brothers and keep them in a cage big enough for them to have their own territory. It would be best if you could find him a buddy as mice are social creatures and human company is no substitute for mouse company. If you take him along to the pet store look for a male that is around the same size and age. Then see if they get along in the pet store before you bring him home.

As long as you keep the cage clean his wounds shouldn't get infected. If they do bathe them in salt water (about a teaspoon to 1 cup). If this doesn't help you can take him to the vet.

He will be able to find the food as long as there is access to the second floor such as a ladder or tube. He should be able to figure out how to drink from a water bottle but if not, squeeze the water bottle when he comes to investigate it. Mice don't drink a lot of water so if you notice the water going down quickly you probably have a leak (or a mystery visitor!) You should notice the water level has gone down after a week.

I live in the UK so I don't know if Petsmart mouse food has the proper nutrition (it probably will). I know Pets at Home and My Pet Stop are great and stock reliable brand names.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.