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Pregnant mouse seems sick, cold

21 15:32:31

Hi. I have written you before about another mouse. We now have Jinxy & she is pregnant. We had guessed her to give birth right around now. In the last couple of days, her movement around the cage is not much. We have kept her away from the other 2 mice for the past 4 or 5 days. She looks very large from side to side & cannot move like she used to. We have another pregnant mouse who is very active so we know this is not "normal" We hold her & she feels cold. Her one eye was mattery last night & her eyes don't shine like they did. She can't clean her behind either so thing have been sticking to her back there.
I don't know what to do. Is she dying? Jinxy is my my 13 year old daughter's pet & she wanted me to ask you what you think. Thank you.


Dear Michelle,

It's a pretty bad sign for a mouse to feel cold.  She should go to the vet.  Make sure you keep her warm.  You can use a hot water bottle under/next to the cage, or a heating pad under some towels under the cage, making sure she has a place to go in case it gets too hot.

Best of luck,
