Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Newborn Baby Mouse Not Breathing?

Newborn Baby Mouse Not Breathing?

21 15:23:41

Hi--Our mouse gave birth to her second litter in about a month or so. There are maybe 11 babies, but one doesn't seem to be doing so well. He isn't as pink/red as the others, and doesn't seem to move much. He had moved his mouth a little bit, but now I don't know if he is. The mom picked him up and seemed to brush him off a bit, but I'm worried. Is he not getting oxygen? Is there anything I can do to help, ie. rub him?

Please help! He is only about 2-4 hours old!

Dear Zach,

There's really nothing to be done.  He probably has a birth defect and very likely won't survive.  Human interference would only confuse the mother and she might not take as good care of him.  I'm afraid you're going to have to let nature take its course.

I'm sorry and I hope he is OK. Poor little guy.

