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Baby Wild Mouse

21 15:40:05

My daughter found a baby grey mouse in my husbands tool box (barely saw the mother as she fled and left baby behind) Baby still had eyes shut...We took it to a pet store where they have put it in with a nursing white mouse, It has been several days and baby seems to be doing well. They say we can come get it in 2-3 weeks when she is weaned.  My question is: is it safe for my family to have this wild mouse as a pet? I have read conflicting info about diseases in wild mice etc.  Should I also get a domesticated mouse of the same age to bring home with this mouse as a companion? My daughter really wants to keep this mouse she saved, i just don't want to risk her health.

I would strongly advise not keeping this mouse as a pet. I understand your daughter wanting to keep this mouse she saved. However wild mice (with the possible exception to deer mice to more experienced handlers) are not suitable as pets. Wild mice cannot be handled easily and often bite and jump. Pet mice have been bred over many generations to get rid of such genes so they would make good pets. I would not want her to have a bad experience of mice as they are lovely animals. Wild mice may carry diseases, some of which can be passed on to humans. They are also prone to cannibalism.

You did the right thing to give her to a nursing mother, your daughter saved its life. If your daughter would like to keep mice I would suggest adopting 2 or 3 females. If you want more docile mice you could adopt older females (6 months + ). Try to get mice around the same age and from the same tank at the pet shop.

As for the wild mouse it is best to release him at least 2 miles from your home. Either the pet shop could do this or you and your daughter (some like closure). If you decide to do it ask the pet shop to put him a small tank and them take the lid off when you find a suitable spot.

I hope everything works out, please let me know if you have any more questions. Good luck.