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sneezing mice

21 15:39:53

Hi, I have 3 mice, 1 I've had about a year and she's just fine, but the other 2 I
got about three weeks ago and they have been sniffling and sneezing. I have
the king of bedding that is made of recycled paper and it isn't very dusty. My
oldest mouse has absolutely no problems, but she lives in the same cage!
Please tell me what could be wrong! Nothing else seems to be wrong with
them-just the sneezes!
Thank you,

Dear Helen,
thank you for your question.
The sneezing is probably a sign of a respiratory infection. Mice are very prone to that and all of them carry mycoplasma, which can cause a respiratory infection when the mouse is stressed, otherwise sick or just old. You don't need to separate her form the others, that would be just more stress for her. Take them to a rodent vet, the sneezing has to be treated or it will get chronic very soon. lists good vets.
I hope I was of some help to you