Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > My mouse has a bleeding anus

My mouse has a bleeding anus

21 15:20:36

Hello there. I wanted to know why my mouses "butt" is bleading.I dont really have a clue why it is. Could it be hymroids?.

PS: my other mouse died and ever sence my sweet mouse (the one with the problem) Has been acting mean. Do you have any idea what this could be?

Hi Will,

I need to know a little bit more to help you.  Is there any injury around the anal area that is bleeding, or is there blood in the stool?  Has anything in the mouse's environment or food changed recently (besides its cagemate passing away)?  Do you know what caused the other mouse to die?  If not, how long had you had them, and what symptoms did the other mouse show before passing away?  What gender are/were your mice?

Send me a follow-up question with as much as you can answer, and I'll try and figure out what the problem could be.  If you can get your mouse into a vet, or even just call one, I would do so immediately.  Blood is not something that should wait if you can help it.  If there's any visible injury that is bleeding, disinfect it with betadine (available in your pharmacy section of most general stores, dilute it to the color of tea with water) then dab a bit of antibiotic ointment on the injury.  This will keep bacteria mostly free of the area.

Let me know more if you can, and definitely try and contact a vet.  Best of luck!