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Putting mice together

21 15:33:23

I have two bully mice that I have wrote to you about before. I have convinced my bf to take them so I'm happy about that. I was wondering if I could now get another mouse of the same type that I have in my tank. I think the issue originally was fancy mice mixing with the feeder mice. And if i can, should I get one or two? And should I wait until the sore on my other mouse heals before i put a new mouse in the tank. I don't want them attacking her because she's injured or "different".

Dear Rebeccca,

You should definitely wait until your current mice are healthy and happy before adding any new mice. If you want to get two more mice,  get the smallest ones possible, so that they won't want to be dominant over your other two.  Two is probably easier than one.  When they meet, put a small dab of REAL vanilla extract on their butts and chins.  This way they will all smell the same.  There will be chasing and squeaking, but as long as there is no blood, and they sleep together, it should be ok.  

Best of luck with your mice.  It is fun to have numerous mice.  They have such different personalities.

squeaks n giggles,
