Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > keeping wild mice in the garage and releasing them after the winter...

keeping wild mice in the garage and releasing them after the winter...

21 15:24:31

Canadian winters are cold and we caught some wild mice in our kitchen and released about five and have four more in a cage in the garage.  Will they be okay with food, water and bedding for the winter then released in the spring?  The cage is metal - do I need an aquarium?  Will they survive in the wild if released after being in captivity for four and a half months?  Will they be warm enough in the garage?  Thank you so much for your help.


The mice will certainly winter more comfortably in your garage, and this is a perfectly good option.  It's what I have done myself. They need to have food, water, bedding, light, a decent amount of space, and especially at least one wheel.  If your metal cage can provide that, it's fine.  

Once it's warm enough for them to survive comfortably in the outdoors (maybe 50 degrees F), let them go in a wooded or meadow area over 1 1/2 miles from your home, with a supply of mouse food.  Any closer than that and you will find yourself catching the same mice!  They will not survive as long as they would in your garage, but they will be happier.  The stay in the garage won't disadvantage them.

Enjoy them while you have them!

Squeaks n giggles,
