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Intoducing my pets

21 15:19:33

I have one female fancy mice and one female albino mouse I
would like to get a third female mouse, but I am afraid that
my two mice will attack the baby. I have had my two mice
together for about 4 months. I would like to know how to
introduce them.

Dear Isabel,
thank you for your question.
Mice need to be introduced to each other slowly. Put all three mice in an empty cage none of them has been in before, you can also use the bathtub or a big storage container. Leave them in there for a few hours, I usually put them in in the morning so that they huddle together to go to sleep, that makes the introduction easier.

If they get along on neutral territory, they can move into a small cage with bedding and some hay to hide in. Leave them there for two or three days and if there are no fights, then they can move into the normal cage. It should be empty, with no second levels or toys. Use the bedding and hay the mice already have. If they continue to get along, you can start adding toys and hiding places, one item per day. I always start with climbing toys and leave the hiding places for later.

Of course the mice must have food and water at all stages of the introduction. You can scatter the food ni the bedding so that it's not that boring in the empty cage for the mice. If they fight at any stage, just take a step back and try again. Some squabblnig and squeaking is normal, but they should not fight or chase each other all the time.

I hope I was of some help to you