Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > I want to get some mice but i have a few questions....

I want to get some mice but i have a few questions....

21 15:32:34

Hi. I am 12 years old and very responsible. I want to get 2 female mice from a local PetCo. I just have a few questions.
How big of a cage should I get? I was thinking of getting a cage something like this . Would this be ok?
What kind of food should I get for it?
I have 5 cats in my house. Would they be scared from the smell of the cat in my house (specifically my room?)
Is it ok to put them in a small animal exercise ball so she can explore?
Ay other advice for a first timer!
Thank you!

Dear Angelica,

That cage is excellent for two to four mice.  I particularly like it because the bars are horizontal, which means the mice can climb them if they want to (some mice do, some don't).

Feed them a rat and mouse mix, of which there are several kinds also available at Petco.  Alternatively, you can use pellets or blocks, which is desirable either if the mice have diarrhea with the other kind, or if you want to use treats to train them; on the other hand it is boring.  If you aren't able to get rat and mouse mix at some point, hamster and gerbil mix is OK.

The cats mustn't be able to access the cage at all.  Mice can sustain terrible damage from claws through the side of the cage.  They will get used to the smell.  

Some mice like the exercise ball and some don't.  If, after the first time, a mouse struggles valiantly when you try to put her in, she doesn't like it.  You can also tell she doesn't like it if she doesn't run around in it-- after giving her 5 minutes to figure it out.  Also a mouse will stop running around when she is done.  The mice who like it have excellent fun, cruising up and down a long hallway, even avoiding obstacles at high speed if they are clever.  I had a pair of mice who ran together like pros.  Others hated it.  One mouse I had loved it until she got stuck somewhere for 10 minutes and was unhappy; I shouldn't have left her alone.  Then she never wanted to go back.  So make sure they have a good experience in it, make sure there is nowhere they can fall down, and the cats aren't around, and you are watching them.

Other advice:  Well of course there are many questions which will come up.  My archives are full of questions from other mouse owners, and most titles are clear.  My advice in general is make sure they have interesting toys (they must always have at least one toilet paper roll), which you rotate.  Don't clean the cage more than once a week.  If it gets smelly in between, wash the plastic items.  If the cage has a wire bottom, they must have material to sit on, though that defeats the purpose-- wire is not at all comfortable for their feet. Hold the mice an hour a day, letting them play on your body or at least your shoulders (don't wear your best clothes, because they do pee and poop) when they are trustworthy enough.

Have a wonderful time and welcome to the wonderful of mice!

squeaks n giggles,
