Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > hi its about my mouse

hi its about my mouse

21 15:39:47

QUESTION: hi its me again. how are you i am fine i would like to thank you alot,it helps. we are now garented that shes pregnent because yesterday she was just a bit pudgy now she is starting to get fat . i gave her a nesting box  made of carboard and has no bottom it is also  insalated to keep her warm. i also gave her extra bedding since she used all hers. my mom and dad are a lil freaked but im cool just worried about the canilism (bad spelling). is there anything else i should do for her ill do almost everything.

p.s i think ill keep 1 or 2 girls but i dont know what to do with the rest... im pretty sure no one i know will get one without it ending up as food or well dead. any ideas?


ANSWER: I'm glad you are feeling confident, mouse babies are fun to raise. If she does eat her babies it won't be your fault. Some new mothers get carried away eat the placenta, others don't know what they are. If she is kept as stress free as possible (cage away from noise, drafts and other animals) you will minimize the possibility of cannibalism. Remember to handle the babies for a few minutes everyday when they are 5-7 days old and gradually build it up. This is important because they need to get used to being handled.

Try to give them to animal-loving friends and family so you know they will go to a good home. Other than that you could give them to a reputable pet shop who won't sell them as food.

Please feel free to ask any more questions. Good luck!

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QUESTION: thanx today i told my friends she was having babies and 3 of them want one so i told them it madders on how many. when is a good time to  give them away and seperate the boys from the girls? also i really apreciate your help.

ANSWER: I'm glad I can help you. They need to be sold in single sex pairs (or more if they wish) as mice cannot live by themselves. 4 1/2 - 5 weeks is a good time to separate them and give them new homes.

It's great you have found homes for them. If this is her first litter expect 7 or 8 babies.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.

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QUESTION: thank you she hasnt gotten much  bigger it looks like she swallowed a couple of grapes  but she is makeing a huge nest acually she has 4 of them but she moved one under the nest box and made another oone so its still 4 nests is that normal

This is normal. Mice make extra nests in case the one they are using gets destroyed or attacked by predators. That way they have somewhere else to move the babies. They also build other nests as decoys to confuse predators.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.