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pet mouse skin problem

21 15:32:02

We are mouse sitting for a neighbor and soon after they left I noticed that "Hershey" had scabs on the back of head and behind her ears where she had been scratching.  We thought it was because she was too near the snake cage (another pet we are sitting!).  I moved her upstairs and her condition has not improved.  I cleaned out her cage of all bedding and food.  Today while trying to put neosporin on her scabs she bit me twice. Ow!  Is she stressed out or does she have a parasite?  Thanks.

Dear Susan,

There are several issues that can cause skin problems in mice.  Since you are just mouse-sitting, you probably don't want to take Mousie to the vet.  What I would do is treat for mites and see how it goes.  Mice with mites scratch themselves and get scabs. However I have to give you the information that if it isn't mites, not taking her to the vet will prolong the time before she is treated for the actual problem.  I'm going to give it an 80% chance that it's mites.  Maybe you can contact the owners and see what they want you to do.

This archived post of mine explains how to treat for mites at home using a spray by 8-in-1, which you can get at a pet store.

It's a pity to put you through all this work just for mouse-sitting, but Mousie will thank you for your kindness (& I hope the owners will, too).

squeaks n giggles,
