Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Fighting female mice

Fighting female mice

21 15:32:02

Hi, I'm used to my male mice squabbling for dominence,but lately it has been my females who have been fighting amongst eachother.

They fight more visciously than the males as well, I see them actually biting eachother. My males normally just  bully eachother.

Is this normal?  If I have removed a female for a day or two and then put her back, all hell breaks loose!  

Dear Sandra,

Females establish dominance as well.  My rule of thumb is, if there's blood, they need to be separated.  Another danger sign is a mouse being unable to access food, water, the wheel, the nest, or unable to leave the nest because of bullying.  Pay attention to who is attacking whom.  If there's a real problem, you  may just need to take one mouse out, or you might be able to separate into two cages which they get along in.  Don't remove a mouse with the intention of putting it back, because this will make them more likely to fight.  Only separate them when you need to.

Hope this helps!

