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blind mice?

21 15:39:11

hi, i would like to find out how to tell if a mouse is blind? are there any tests i can do to tell if she's blind?

Thank you.

I think it might be hard to tell. Mice use their tales and whiskers more than their eyes to identify their surroundings. They already have poor eyesight in the first place, especially albino mice or any mice with red eyes. Usually in any other animal there is a milky white coloring that covers the eyes when blindness occurs. That's probably the only way you can tell. But I would contact a vet if you're curious about blindness in your mouse. What signs are you detecting in your mouse that make you think she's blind? If she's wobbling, swaying, or walking around with a tilted head these are signs of a common ailment that affect the lungs and ear canal. If you notice those signs contact a vet for antibiotics.