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Bumps on mouse.

21 15:37:34

Hi Natasha, I have a black fancy mouse and within the last week she has gotten fairly large bumps on her throat, shoulders, and underneath where her legs are. I have been told that these can be forms of abscesses, or enlarged nymph lodes. (Not sure if I spelled that right.) Although I love my mouse and would do anything for her, I simply do not have enough money to take her to the vet. Please help me. She's still as hyper as ever and has no trouble escaping me when I try to pick her up. Please help. Thank you.

Dear Stephanie,

If the lumps are abscesses or swollen lymph nodes, they may be treatable with an antibiotic.  If they are tumors, you will have to make her comfortable until she goes.  I answered a question about a mouse with a lump here:

This includes directions to give the mouse antibiotics.  I hope this clears up the problem. The very best of luck to your mouse.  My 6 mice all send their condolences and best wishes.

