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dyeing a mouse different colors

21 15:24:05

I really want to dye my mice different colors. What is the best way to go about that? i was thinking painting them with food coloring. Any suggestions?

Dear Andrew,

If you just want to make them prettier, I would strongly suggest you not do so. Because mice wash themselves constantly, even though food coloring is nontoxic, they will still get too much and that can't be good for them.  However, if the problem is that you have white mice that you can't tell apart, I recommend trying a little food coloring on the very tips of the tails.  This is the safest option.  You may find it colors your fingers more strongly than their skin/fur!

If you do color their tails, don't let them lick the wet dye off.  Dry the tail with a paper towel before setting the mouse down.

Again, I pretty much recommend leaving them in the beauty that mother nature made them in.

