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baby deer mice

21 15:20:56

i found 3 baby deer mice about a week ago and one of them died today i have been feeding them puppy formula out of a syringe with a little bit of water mixed with it and i have some rodent pellets crushed up. I noticed that one of them this morning was not acting right and wouldn't eat and he ended up dying. I do help them go to the bathroom, but sometimes they either wouldn't poop or pee. So now i noticed that one of the other ones is acting the same way. They almost act paralyzed and drag their legs now. Its frustrating because i love animals and i know they are just rodents but they like me and my daughter and now they are all dying so do you have an answer on maybe how i can save the last one because I'm sure the 2nd one is gone already. thank you

Hi Tara,

Unfortunately, it sounds like you're already doing everything right.  The only thing I can suggest is keeping them warm, since young mice rely on their moms for heat, and checking your feeding schedule to this website's information:

That website has a chart on it that can help you check if you are feeding the pups an amount that fits their size, and will let you know how often they need to be fed.  When you help them go to the bathroom, using a warm, moist cotton swab might help them go if they won't otherwise.  Dry them off well after so they stay warm.

I'm sorry I don't have more advice to give.  :(
Best of luck to the little guy!